07. Okay, so I haven’t featured a laptop image yet so I thought this would be a good way to kick off 2001. I give them major props for getting 5 hours out of a battery in 2001. That was bloody impressive. The site UI did go through some more fundamental shifts. They dropped the nasty looking “1990’s Al Gore’s Internet” graphics style on the bottom half of the page. The “apple” at the top went from red to a more pleasing blue and the overall look of the top bar on the site lost some of it’s “plastic gloss” feel. Which… coincided with a shift in their product design away from the fruity colored iMac. One other item, Mac servers… Does Apple still make server hardware/systems? Do they still have a “server version” of Mac OS?

08. Also in 2001… the launch of the “Apple Store.” I remember there was much discussion around this (and laughter that Apple would attempt retail of all things). It definitely worked for them though and they have influenced retail ever since.

09. More from 2001 regarding the Apple Store front. It was all about informing the majority of folks that there is a computer company called Apple and they have innovative products. They really were the underdog for many years. I guess they accomplished what they set out to do :). Well, sort of… I am not sure what percentage of “personal computers” are Apple today but their brand is pretty much ubiquitous now (I spelled that correctly the first time without spell check…boo ya’)

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