This is the final article (I think…) on MySQL database backup. In my previous article I discussed how to craft a very efficient script for automated LOCAL backup of your MySQL databases. But that isn’t the whole story. What happens if your server burns to the ground… or more likely the hard drive gives up the ghost, corrupting everything and effectively leaving you up the proverbial creek without a paddle? Today I want to finish our script by adding a couple of extra components and giving you a paddle in the form of “offsite” backups. (more…)

One of the items I had to do a bit of digging to find was the location of the startup folder for all users.

If you aren’t familiar with the “startup” folder on your system I will explain it briefly.

The startup folder is a place you can put executable files (.exe), batch files (.bat), etc. that you want Windows to run every time a user logs into the system. There are a lot of usage scenarios for such a folder, my specific use case is mapping a remote windows share as a drive, for which I use a batch file. (more…)

Earlier this year I wrote an article about creating scripts for backing up your MySQL databases.

A week ago I wrote another article about automated and secure root user login to your root MySQL database account.

I have also been learning Python on and off and learning quite a bit about variables and loops. While the syntax doesn’t carry over to BASH, the the logic does.

Combining the ability of password-less root login and for-do loops, I was able to drastically clean up the size of my original database backup script (my first reference above). To be exact, I had nine databases and 35 lines of code. My new script has 10 lines of code. Furthermore, my original script wasn’t “intelligent” in the sense that you would have to update it (and make it longer) anytime you wanted to backup an additional database. The script I am going to discuss in this article should stay at ~10 lines regardless of how many databases are being backed up on the server.

So today’s script is vastly shorter and, better yet, will automatically backup any new database you add to your MySQL instance! Awesome right? (more…)

Source: 14 Best Open Source Web Application Vulnerability Scanners – InfoSec Resources

Regular vulnerability scanning and remediation is a key part of strong security in your enterprise. Particularly scanning publicly available services like Websites and Applications. Thankfully it doesn’t have to be a horribly expensive affair! This is a handy list with some short write-ups on some of the most popular open source Web Application vulnerability scanners.