This lovely item came across my feed today and I realized there is so much that I do poorly when it comes to shell scripting it is absurd 🙁 Anyhow I am extremely thankful for this long and detailed post and wanted to pass it along to my readership. I also wanted to crowd-source […]

I wrote a new script today to keep me up-to-date on how full the boot partition is on my Ubuntu servers. I actually administer quite a few of them and it can become a real issue if the boot drive hits 100% full, which it commonly does. The reason for this is that the boot […]

I have setup a few servers with Ubuntu Server and one of the common security tools I use is Fail2Ban. One of the common requirements that comes with Fail2Ban is the need to provide other administrative personnel with a place they can quickly check which IP’s have been banned. Using a cool program called incron […]

A couple of days ago I posted full instructions for integrating an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server into your Microsoft Active Directory Windows Domain. This is a short follow-up to that post which can be found here: To make my life easier I wrote three shell scripts that can be run to automate the majority […]